Milou is my pet dog who has accompanied me for 15 years. During the epidemic isolation period, it brought the only joy to my life. It also accompanied me through the difficult process of divorce. For me, Milou is not just a dog, but also my family and friend, and the sustenance of my emotions. I don’t want to treat its departure casually. I want to say a formal goodbye to it.
According to statistical data provided by the French Ministry of Agriculture, one in every two French families has at least one pet, especially families who choose cats or dogs are in the majority, and this number is still rising. For families with pets, pets are also members of the family. Although we don’t want to admit it, ‘saying goodbye’ is a required course for every owner. This is a heavy topic. But if this day really comes, how to take care of the ‘afterlife’ of our furry children? Do you know about the funeral regulations for pets in France?
If you wish to cremate a deceased pet, it is necessary to specify the date, the cremation service responsible, and the date the body will be received. What are the options and procedures for pet funerals? If you want a professional pet funeral service to handle the arrangements, it is best to search online for nearby facilities or consult with local veterinarians. Once you have identified the funeral service provider, pet cremation funerals offer two solutions: individual cremation or group cremation. In the first option, pets are cremated individually, and the owner can attend the ceremony. Before the ceremony begins, the owner also has a quiet room for mourning. Finally, the owner can collect the pet’s ashes and place them in an urn, either to bury or scatter in the pet’s favorite place before its death, or to bury in a pet-specific animal cemetery. In the case of group cremation, the service is not open to owners, and ashes cannot be taken away. Owners can share a mourning room, and the service provider will scatter the ashes on designated land afterward. Regardless of the choice, a specialized pet funeral service will ensure strict adherence to relevant regulations. What is the cost estimation for pet funerals? Generally, the larger the animal, the higher the cost. Small pets are estimated to cost around 800 euros, while large pets are around 1800 euros. For group cremation, the cost is estimated to be between 40 euros to over 100 euros, depending on the size of the pet. Regarding individual cremation urns, the purchase price ranges from 30 euros to 180 euros, depending on the size and type of the urn. The above prices are for reference only, and the final cost depends on the pricing of the facility and may vary by region. It is best for owners to compare services and prices on various facility websites or directly consult with local veterinarians. What is the cost estimation for pet cemeteries? Animal cemeteries, like human cemeteries, are meditation places specifically for pets. Currently, there are about 30 such places in France. If the owner wants to provide a dedicated burial plot for their pet after the funeral, they can contact pet-specific cemeteries in France. The estimated annual cost for a pet cemetery plot in France is around 100 euros, with a size of about 50 centimeters and capable of accommodating several different pets. Depending on the owner’s wishes, the contract covers periods of one, thirty, forty, or fifty years, plus an approximately 10 euro burial fee. Owners can also voluntarily add tombstones, memorial plaques, or commemorative decorations, etc.
A warm reminder for pet owners: The cost of burying a pet can be a significant financial burden, and not all families can afford it. It is important for pet owners to know that they should not feel guilty or ashamed if they cannot bear the expense.
In recent years, the development of online virtual cemeteries has been growing. These websites allow for free registration to create an account. Pet owners can have a dedicated space to remember their pets, where they can add photos, videos, and messages.